The digital adaptation for this game came out very recently. Our Loodo Score will change as more people & critics rate the game! Check back often for updated info!
You are an author trying to finish kitschy paperback novels. Complete Westerns, Science Fiction, Romance or even a Crime Noir. Live the dream — and maybe pay the bills. Word-building meets deck-building in the unique game Paperback. Players start with a deck of letter cards and wild cards. This is like their own bag of ‘scrabble’ tiles. With each hand of cards you make a word and score it. This score...
Feb 1, 2017 | by Andrew Koziara
It’s no secret around these parts that I have a great fondness for deck building card games. It also may come as a shock to you, me being a writer on a website and all, but I am rather fond of the fine art of word-smithery. Never did I think the two would be joined in such a perfect and holy union as ...