The digital adaptation for this game came out very recently. Our Loodo Score will change as more people & critics rate the game! Check back often for updated info!
Dice Tower's Game of the Year, Tom Vasel, 2010 Yomi is a fighting game in card form. Learn your character, practice combos, and read the opponent's tendencies. 10 characters to choose from, plus 10 more expansion characters available inside the app. Yomi captures the mindgames from fighting games such as Street Fighter, and was created by the lead designer of Street Fighter HD Remix, who was also...
Jul 11, 2014 | by Chris Carter
As soon as people hear the phrase “card game" you’ll have a massive amount of people running for the hills, which is a shame. As a big fan of deck-builders like Dominion, as well as battle games like Hearthstone, card games can be extremely entertaining if done right, and are often timeless, especially ...
Apr 28, 2014 | by Matt Thrower
Pocket Gamer
There are lots of tabletop games based on popular video games, but mostly they settle for simply being set in the same world with the same characters, rather than trying to replicate the actual play.But Yomi is different. Yomi is a card game that tries to mimic the actual back and forth of an arcade ...